如何提升WhatsApp API 每日Template Message發送量?
每一個 WhatsApp API 號碼也會有獨立的每日 Tempalte Message 發送數量限額,
升級方式為連續3天發送500隻/連續5天發送總共1000隻 Template Message 並保持號碼的品質評分為中/高。

升級過程注意事項 :
How to upgrade the Daily Messaging Limits by WhatsApp API?
Each WhatsApp API number will also have an own daily limit on the number of Tempalte Messages sent.
The new opened number limit is fixed at 1000 per 24 hours.
If you want to upgrade the daily limit, i should need to follow the upgrade steps.
The upgrade flow is to send a 500 template message for 3 consecutive days / send a 1000 Template Message in 5 days and keep the health of the number as medium/high.

Precautions for the upgrade process:
1. Once the health drops to “low”, it will not be upgrade the Daily Messaging Limits within one week.
2. The number upgrade limit is tenfold for each level, 1000, 10000, 100,000.
3. After successful upgrade, if the number health score often drops to “low”, the Daily Messaging Limits may be downgraded.