為何要使用官方 Official WhatsApp Business API?
1.官方 Official WhatsApp Business API 可以使用模板消息(Template Message)批量發送通知及主動聯繫您的客戶,不受 Whatsapp一般帳戶的一對一系統限制。
2.您可以使用WhatsApp官方API創建您的客服平台、Live CS聊天室、自動發貨通知、活動通知、電子門票等,顯著提升您的客服務體驗。

Why need to use the Official WhatsApp Business API?
1. The official Official WhatsApp Business API can use Template Message to send notifications in batches and actively contact your customers, it not restricted by the one-to-one of the Whatsapp normal account limit.
2. You can use the official WhatsApp API to create your customer service platform, Live CS chat room, automatic delivery notifications, event notifications, e-tickets, etc., to improve your customer service experience.
3. Official WhatsApp business can promote your brand more effectively. Your brand name can appear in WhatsApp, also your customer can be directly use the brand name to find your official WhatsApp account and reduce the risk of being counterfeited.